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    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake


    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 06:11

    "nah we will pass up on that! As charming and inviting the prospect seems!" Alex threw in sarcastically. "We - I mean I - would stay here! Hope you do not mind that I am foiling any plan of yours to get me out of here!" she added, mock glaring at Sandy.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 06:22

    "oh no how did you find out about my evil plans?" she teased her smiling sweetly at her even though her mock glare was still upon her. "you're very difficult to get rid of do you know that?" she asked her. She didn't really want her to leave or Thresa but she knew they didn't have to know not yet anyway.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 06:24

    "My my! You are such a back stabber!" Alex said as her voice choked with fake emotions and as she struck a ridiculous pose. Clutching on hand on her heart and the other resting on her forehead. "I thought you were my.....friend!!!!!!!"

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 06:28

    Alex watched her friend and her little over dramtic scene. Hand on heart other on forehead! Alex laughed at her friend shaking her head slightly. "you should be on the muggle stage you know you're a good actress. What do you think Theresa?" she asked turnng to the other hufflepuff girl. Who had been a little quiet.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 07:14

    Theresa shook her head as she looked to her friends. She had been looking at the lake as she listened to them and seemed to have gotten lost in her thoughts. She smiled as she thought about what they were saying and nodded. "Oh yes, the drama witch here would deffinetly make a good actress, only problem is that she might over act stuff" she said, laughing.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 19:18

    " Well aren't you guys the best motivators around here? Wonder why I never come to you before?" Alex answered sarcastically, though, the smile on her lips was genuine. She like honesty, it was a very.....honest trait to have.

    "And anyways, its not like I even want to go in acting!"

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:09

    "We try and be the very best motivaters ever for you" Theresa said, nodding her head for emphasis. "And, at least I don't know why you never came to us before, I am kind of hurt by that fact too" she said, grinning. She looked back to the lake and almost fell over, laughing when she heard what Alexandria had said next.
    "You may not want to go into it but you would make a good one" she joked.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:27

    "Awwwwww! Now we are talking!" Alex said brightly, as she fluffed her hair in a dramatic manner and shifted her gaze to the Lake.

    "So Theresa, mind if I ask, what were you studying that made you feel so tired and in want of break?" Alex asked, turning to look curiously at her friend.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:39

    Theresa laughed and shook her head "you are crazy" she comented jokingly.
    She calmed down so she could answer her queston and sat up properly. "I was studying charms, I can't seem to get the summoning charmto work which is terrible, it workd when I was in lesson" she said before shakig her head.
    "What about you, been studying?" she asked.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:42

    "Yup! I have been transfiguration, with Sandy." Alex replied airily, "I never tried it outside class, lets try it! Together, or you go first? Lets, try to summon that rock, over there, see it? Now, what was the incantation, Assio? No Atrio? No way! I got it, Accio, right?"

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:50

    Theresa nodded "yes, Accio and you can go first, I will probably make the rock hit someone in the face or something" she said. She knew she would hate walking along the grounds and suddenly have a rock hit you, not nice at all. "What transfigurations work were you doing anyway?" she asked.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 21:59

    "You think *I* am any better?" Alex asked as she raised her eyebrows, staring at her fellow Hufflepuff. "I will probably end up getting it on my face."

    "Oh, and I was getting Sam to write me all the incantations and wand movements for Sandy and I!"

    Alex paused for a moment then said, "Accio!" with her eyes narrowed at the rock.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 22:10

    Theesa shrugged "no idea ad if yourno then at least it wont be me doing the damage, it would be you" she said grinning. She took her wand out of her bag and looked back to Alexandria. She leaned back on the palms of her hands and watched as she tried the spell.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Wed 25 Aug 2010, 22:23

    Alex sighed as the rock moved a few feet towards he but then dropped down, "I do not think that I really want to summon that rock, not after what I think it will do! You wanna try Sandy?" she asked the Ravenclaw, who seemed to be stuck in a trance sort of thing.

    Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake - Page 2 Empty Re: Relaxing at the Edge of the Lake

    Post by Guest Thu 26 Aug 2010, 00:17

    Alex had been staring into space only half listening to their conersation. She was lost in her own thought's and memory's then she heard andy pandy call her name. She blinked a few times then looked to where she was. "what is it?" she asked looking from Alexandria to Threasa.

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